Sunday, June 7, 2009

Article #3:Obama's Team

In the blog, Washington Monthly, Steve Benen wrote an article on June 7, 2009 titled, Picking Players From The Other Team, to support Obama's decision in nominating five influential Republicans to work in the Obama administration. Benen claims that having Republicans collaborate with Obama will result in many benefits for both parties including: decrease in minority of party, increase in the president's appearance of nobility and forgiveness, but most importantly is to increase bipartisan administration. Benen argues that having powerful Republicans including McHugh, Leach, Gates, and LaHood in the Obama administration can show that this country is bipartisan. In other words, Benen claims that bringing in Republicans can strengthen the nation and increase equality. Benen points out that Obama remains different from other modern president for choosing Republicans, and this shows that Obama is fair because he nominates those with the capability to perform the task. By doing so, Benen includes an article from the New York Times that stresses out the benefits of including opposing members in the administration as evidence to support his stance.

It is important to understand that Benen asserts that the inclusion of Republicans under the Obama administration as the possible solution to the nation's division of political parties. In other words, Benen agrees with Obama's actions. Therefore, this article by Benen directs towards more democratic and more liberal people for many reasons. First, the author wants to explain to the Democratic the reasons behind Obama's decisions. Benen understands that the Democratic might feel unfair and questions Obama's decision in nominating Republicans to work for his administration. At the same time, Benen shows readers that this can increase bipartisan incredibility and make the nation a stronger country. Second, the author provides readers with reasons and benefits of having Republicans under the Obama administration in order to prevent any breakouts from the Democratic. Therefore, Benen's article is to support Obama and prevent the Democratic from any breakouts.

After finishing the article, I agree with Benen about how it can benefit the nation and both parties. I think that Obama's decision in picking members from the other side is a smart move. For one, these Republicans that he picked aren't any ordinary guys, but powerful people that have high ranking status and jobs. With such a high position, it can benefit the country because they have skills and experience to help Obama. This also shows that Obama is not favoring anyone, but he stands on equality and picks those that are capable of performing the best.

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