Sunday, August 9, 2009

Commentary #2: Homeless

There are countless people out in America that are homeless, and reside under bridges. Anywhere there is a freeway, you'll likely see homeless people wandering around. Is this the image that America wants to give to visitors from foreign countries who respect the United States because of our leadership skills? Picturing a homeless person holding a sign begging for spare change, is not an attractive image that can show visitors the high leadership skills and quality we have apart from other countries. Shouldn't America focus on improving the basic standards of living for these people and weed out all the frauds that stand there to make money? Many celebrities have donated millions of dollars to research organizations and other undeveloped countries, then why not help our own country first?

Many people don't trust the homeless because of the rumored scandals that the people standing out there are actually people that are financially well off. Yet there are some people that are really homeless, and need our help. There's nothing glamorous about being a homeless. As homeless, they have no stable place to call home and no clean food to eat. Their life is constantly twirling around in chaotic and people back away from them because they are scare that these homeless carry contagious germs that can spread. Driving down the road, I'm sure we all have seen people standing out there holding a sign. The people we see aren't in the cleanest clothes and aren't the healthiest people we met for sure. It might be their own fault for standing out in the heated sun or in the cold winter, but no matter who's fault it really is, we must help them in order to help our country. Good or bad, we all must help them make the best of their lives.

I personally think that having people standing by freeways and roads holding signs should be ban. For one, this cause distraction. Homeless people wander about and affect the drivers. Some homeless people are aggressive and some seldom watch for the roads. It's already against the law to ride a bike on the freeway, then why can't this be ban as well? Not only do they cause distraction, but they once again show visitors the different side of America. America can offer more sheltering and housing for the homeless, but it's not wise to call the streets your home, right? There are many assistance programs in America that I think these homeless should be aware about. As citizens we can tell the homeless the programs that are offered specifically for them, and this can help America. Every organization nowadays focuses on research and donations for the undeveloped countries, but hardly any organization sets foot in promoting for the homeless. Why is that? Just because they had a rough life doesn't mean that it'll never change. Hopefully one day, organizations and sponsors can promote and actively participate in fundraising for the homeless. As the United Stated Government, shouldn't they pay close attention to the welfare of the people? Therefore, I strongly encourage more methods of helping the homeless and give them something they have lost. After all, a small difference can mean the world to them.

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